Mission: To champion the growth and diversification of North Dakota’s economy through professional development, networking and advocacy.


Vision: A North Dakota filled with vibrant communities and economic opportunities for all.



1. Build North Dakota’s future workforce through investments to implement recruitment and retention strategies for emerging and existing industries.
2. Diversify and expand North Dakota’s economy by improving investment and funding opportunities.
3. Provide stable and dependable funding for North Dakota’s infrastructure.
4. Enhance and expand community development programs for local execution.
5. Maintain stability in the state’s economy and fiscal health by fostering a pro-business environment.


Workforce Availability and Development

The ability of North Dakota businesses to maximize the potential of the state’s economy will depend on their
capacity to attract and retain a stable and reliable workforce. To do this, EDND:
• Recognizes the importance of connecting businesses and education through workforce training programs.
• Supports curriculum alignment and training capacity that correlates with the state’s most critical
occupational needs, as well as maintaining education affordability for students.
• Supports expanding childcare access and affordability by funding facilities and improving worker wages,
building on recent legislative efforts.
• Supports targeted programs to expand workforce housing options across the state.
• Supports and encourages statewide marketing efforts to attract a workforce to keep North Dakota
communities open for business.


Economic Diversification

The long-term future of North Dakota is dependent upon planning expanded economic diversification and
supporting innovation, entrepreneurship, and start-up ventures that bring new wealth to the state. EDND:
• Supports investments in applied research and commercialization focused on technology development that
will lead to the diversification of North Dakotas’ economy.
• Supports and places a high priority on sustaining effective and flexible financing options and programs.
• Supports financing alternatives through risk capital to entrepreneurs and start-ups.
Infrastructure Development
Robust and efficient infrastructure is essential for North Dakota’s growth and plays a vital role in the state’s
overall health and vitality. EDND:
• Supports funding options for local infrastructure projects and growth.
• Supports a strong statewide transportation system, which is vital to economic development.
• Supports the expansion of natural gas distribution to all corners of the state as well as the development of
gas capture and disbursement efforts.


Community Development

Thriving and dynamic communities are crucial for attracting talent and fostering revitalization, diversification,
and the creation of new wealth. The growth potential of North Dakota’s communities hinges on the quality of
life they offer. EDND:
• Supports effective tools, programs and funding to attract growth and improve quality of life in all North
Dakota communities.
• Supports dedicated funding for regional councils to provide expertise is key areas such as zoning, business
development, grant writing, infrastructure planning, and communications.


Pro-Business Climate

Improving the state’s economic and business climate by supporting a competitive taxation and regulatory
environment promotes the creation of new wealth and the diversification of North Dakota’s economy. EDND:
• Supports competitive taxation including corporate and personal income taxes.
• Supports decision making and flexibility regarding business financing and incentives.
• Supports efforts to streamline regulations and enhance the ease of doing business in North Dakota.


For more information, contact EDND at 701-355-4458