EDND is actively involved in advocating for economic development programs and policies that give communities and regions a competitive advantage in attracting new businesses and expanding existing businesses.
The EDND Legislative Agenda outlines our priorities and the programs we will support during the 2023 Legislative Session.
Diversification is critical to make sure North Dakota does not become economically dependent upon one or two industry sectors. With tight competition for capital, human, and other resources, it is important to focus on investments that diversify our economy so that the state realizes the benefits of the current activity for generations.
North Dakota is no longer just competing with other states, but rather competing on a global scale. Companies are under increasing pressure to automate and streamline processes to lower costs. North Dakota’s business climate and primary sector support programs must meet the current challenges facing existing companies and be attractive to companies seeking expansion into the state.
Motivating individuals to engage in innovation and entrepreneurship is important for business development at the local and state level. Equal opportunities for successful entrepreneurial business development exist statewide regardless if you are a rural community or an urban center. Supporting an attractive and vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem is key to realizing the economic benefits of homegrown innovation.
A growing economy requires investment in essential community needs such as workforce, housing, childcare, community services, and quality of life amenities. In this time of unprecedented growth, it is critical that professional economic developers serve as the bridge between the economic development and community development needs of the state.
Economic developers convene leaders and facilitate necessary discussions to make things happen. With today’s growing workforce needs, economic development professionals serve a critical role of linking growing companies to education resources and research and development capacity. Investing in education creates an essential bond between industry and North Dakota’s educational institutions.
North Dakota has unmatched economic opportunity for industry and individuals.The state must support a quality of life that attracts and retains talent to maximize it’s growth potential.
During a legislative session, a legislator can be reached at the State Capitol through Contact My Legislators or by leaving a message with the legislative telephone message center at 1-888-NDLEGIS (635-3447) or 701-328-3373 (local). Otherwise, a legislator can be reached by mail, telephone, or email at the address listed in the legislator’s biography, or one of the lists provided below.
You may also mail correspondence to legislators. The proper way to address correspondence to legislators is as follows:
The Honorable John Doe
North Dakota Senator/Representative
City, State Zip
Dear Senator/Representative Doe
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